Scanography Story Struggles

I’ve hit a bit of a brick wall with this story, since I haven’t been able to create a dialog with the experts I’m trying to interview.  I’ve found another bit of contact information for Marty Klein, and given it a shot, so at this point I’m treading water.

Which is fine, really, since I’ve got a hugely important test in History of American Journalism tomorrow.

Still, waiting can be a bit of a challenge, so I put my Google-fu to the task and came up with some new digital leads.  One of them is Klein’s Scanography page on Facebook, which showcases some nice pieces (a few I think I recognize from Lederle) but doesn’t provide me with any new background or technical information.

It does however, link to this page, which is Klein’s profile page at  Hallejua!

I also, finally, made an effort to get in touch with the exhibit organizer, which really should have been my first step.  Oh well, you live you learn.  I believe the organizer is Barbara Stewart, who is listed as the library departments contact on the exhibit’s Events page.

Hopefully I’ll hear back from Klein or Stewart tomorrow.

Still, I have to face the possibility that doing an Artist profile piece might not be viable.  I might instead write my second news package on the methodology of scanography, and start trying to draw on experts who aren’t directly related to UMass.

Fortunately there’s a nice list of them here.

4 comments on “Scanography Story Struggles

  1. Hi Travis,
    I’m here for you…
    Go ahead and interview me. I’ve been scanning natural objects since 1997 and am from CT.

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